How To Remove An Amazon Listing Hijacker

September 16, 2024

Running a successful Amazon business is hard enough without hijackers. Today, we’ll walk you through the steps to identify and remove them to safeguard your brand. 

If you’re an Amazon seller, you’ve likely heard of hijackers—unauthorized sellers who list fake or inferior versions of your products on your listing. This can ruin your brand’s reputation and even drive away your loyal customers. So, how do you stop them? In today’s video, we’ll dive into the steps to identify and remove these hijackers while protecting your Amazon business long-term.


What is an Amazon Hijacker?

Amazon hijackers are sellers who piggyback on your listing, offering counterfeit or unauthorized versions of your product, often at a lower price. They can steal your Buy Box, damage your sales, and reduce your product reviews, giving your customers a poor experience.


How to Identify a Hijacker?

The first thing to do is identify whether your listing has been hijacked. Regularly monitor your listings and keep an eye out for price drops or suspicious activity. If the product listing suddenly features a much lower price or includes a seller you don’t recognize, that’s a red flag. Hijackers often cut prices drastically to steal the Buy Box.

If you have Brand Registry, use Amazon’s tools to track potential listing changes, including new sellers appearing in your listings. For non-registered sellers, monitor your listings manually by checking the seller section for names you don’t recognize. If you utilize a hijacker removal service, they will likely help to monitor the hijacker activity on your listing. More on this option later in the video.


Verifying the Product?

Once you suspect a hijacker, you’ll want to confirm it. The best way to do this is to order the suspicious product directly from the seller. When it arrives, check for counterfeit or inferior packaging and any discrepancies from your authentic product. If it’s a knockoff, take pictures as evidence. If the product matches yours perfectly, then it could be a reseller with legitimate inventory, which would require a different approach.


Removal option 1: Send a Cease and Desist Notice.

Next, you’ll need to take action. One way is by sending a Cease and Desist letter. This is a formal legal notice warning the hijacker that they’re violating your rights, demanding they stop selling immediately. These letters are especially effective when backed by a registered trademark. Be clear, professional, and give the seller a short deadline—typically 24 to 48 hours—to respond.

Some sellers will comply once they know legal action could be taken, but if they don’t…


Removal Option 2: Report to Amazon

If the hijacker refuses to stop, it’s time to report the violation to Amazon. For Brand Registered sellers, use the Brand Registry dashboard to report the hijacker. This will fast-track your complaint. Be sure to include any evidence, such as the photos of the counterfeit product, and explain how the seller violates your intellectual property rights.

For non-registered sellers, you can still file a complaint through Seller Central. Look for the “Report Infringement” section, where you can report intellectual property violations. 

Once Amazon reviews your case, they may remove the hijacker from your listing.


Removal option 3: Hijacker Removal Service

Unfortunately, when reporting your situation to Amazon they will not always take action as their preference is to avoid seller to seller disputes. Additionally review times can be very long and by the time a conclusion is determined, the damage may already be done. 

A great option for fast and effective counterfeit removal results is to utilize an expert Amazon hijacker removal service. At Seller Pickle, our team of Amazon experts specializes in swiftly and safely removing hijackers from your listing. With deep knowledge, experience and understanding of Amazon’s systems and proven strategies, we handle even the toughest cases, ensuring your business is protected. When other solutions fail, you can count on us to step in with our experience and expertise. Don’t let hijackers damage your brand—get the help you need today. Visit or click the link in the video description to take action now!


Removal option 4: Seek Legal Assistance

Another option if Amazon doesn’t act or the hijacker persists, it may be time to seek legal advice. In some cases, especially with repeat offenders, involving a legal team can be necessary to fully protect your brand. Trademark infringement is serious, and a lawyer can help you take additional legal action to stop the hijacker from causing further damage to your business.


Preventing Future Hijackers

Prevention is always better than cure, right? The best way to deal with hijackers is to stop them before they start. Here’s how:

  • Enroll in Amazon Brand Registry: This gives you access to Amazon’s tools to protect your brand and listings.
  • Use Amazon’s Transparency Program: This program allows you to attach unique codes to your products that prove their authenticity.
  • Monitor your listings regularly: Set aside time weekly to check for suspicious activity. Being proactive is the best way to catch hijackers early.

For more prevention techniques consider the Seller Pickle Ultimate Hijacker Prevention Blueprint. This is available at and is included complementary with all hijacker removal orders.


Stay Vigilant & Protect Your Brand

Hijackers can wreak havoc on your business, but with the right steps, you can remove them quickly and keep your brand safe. Regular monitoring, reporting, and proactive protection are key to maintaining control of your listings on Amazon.