How To Remove Amazon Listing Hijackers FAST!

August 16, 2024



Today, we’re tackling a crucial issue for Amazon sellers. How to remove hijackers from your Amazon listing fast. Let’s dive in!

So, what exactly is a hijacker? A hijacker is someone who illegally piggybacks on your Amazon listing, selling counterfeit or low-quality versions of your product. This can lead to bad reviews, lower sales, and damage to your brand’s reputation.

These hijackers often use your brand name, images, and listing details without permission, making it hard for customers to distinguish between your genuine product and their knock-offs.


Why Hijackers Are a Problem

Allowing hijackers to stay on your listing isn’t just an inconvenience—it’s a major business risk. They can undercut your price, leading to a race to the bottom. Worse yet, customers who unknowingly buy from hijackers may receive poor-quality products, and guess who they’ll blame? You. 

These bad experiences often lead to negative reviews and even suspensions from Amazon if the problem isn’t addressed promptly. 

But don’t worry, there are effective steps you can take to reclaim your listing. Here’s how:


Step 1: Verify Your Intellectual Property Rights

First, make sure your brand is protected. This includes having a registered trademark. Without it, your hands are tied when it comes to removing hijackers.


Step 2: Enroll in Amazon Brand Registry

Next, enroll in Amazon Brand Registry. This powerful tool gives you more control over your listings and access to features that help protect your brand from hijackers.


Step 3: Monitor Your Listings Regularly

Keep an eye on your listings. Regular monitoring will help you catch hijackers early before they can do significant damage.


Step 4: Send a Cease and Desist Letter

If you spot a hijacker, send them a cease and desist letter. This is often enough to scare them off. You can draft your own or use a template, but make sure it’s clear and firm.


Step 5: Report to Amazon

If the hijacker doesn’t back down, report them to Amazon. Use the Report Infringement tool available in Brand Registry. Provide as much evidence as possible to support your claim.


Step 6: Consider Utilizing A Hijacker Removal Service

If all else fails or you need results fast, utilizing a hijacker removal service may be necessary. Sadly, sending cease and desist letters or reporting your hijacker to Amazon won’t always achieve a result or may take a long time for anything to be achieved meaning damage to your listing, reputation and sales.


Getting assistance from hijacker removal experts such as our team at Seller Pickle is the best way to get your issue resolved and business back on track. For more information, on hijacker removal visit


Prevention Tips

Of course, prevention is better than a cure. Here are a few tips to keep hijackers at bay:

  • Create Unique Listings: Use customized images and detailed descriptions that are hard for hijackers to replicate.
  • Use Amazon Transparency: Enroll in Amazon’s Transparency program, which uses unique codes to verify the authenticity of your products.
  • Regularly Update Listings: Regular updates can deter hijackers from targeting your products.

Protecting your Amazon listing from hijackers is essential to maintaining your brand’s reputation and ensuring your business thrives. If you found this blog helpful, don’t forget to give it a thumbs up and subscribe for more tips on how to succeed as an Amazon seller. For more information on hijacker removal or any other problems you’re facing as an amazon seller visit